A client called this weekend. She asked for a birth chart, and she asked me to answer some questions with the Tarot reading. When I do a reading for a client, I start with a Celtic Cross before I answer any questions.
1. PRESENT: Ace of Coins. This is one of the best cards. Aces are always amazing, because they mean a new blessing!!! 😍 This means a new blessing with Money like a new job etc.
2. PRESENT: 3 of Swords. This is one of the worst cards! 😓 This means most likely she is being cheated on! 😠 The reading started out well with the Ace as far as career, but in her personal life things need improvement.
3. PAST: Page of Cups. Pages are always good. They mean someone had some happy new to share . Someone asked her out on a date, etc!!!! 😍🐌🍭🍨
4. FUTURE: 9 of Coins. This is stable to pull a money card. This means that 2020 will be solid and my client will have an amazing career.
5. ENVIRONMENT: Knight of Cups. This is an actual court card that represents an actual person. It could be her son, a younger brother , etc.
6. ENVIRONMENT: 2 of Cups. Love. 😍💋💝
7. THOUGHTS: 2 of Wands. My client is thinking about her choices.
8. PEOPLE: Queen of Wands. This is one of the best cards. This is a court card to represent an actual woman! 😝 This could be my client, or it could be her sister, mom, friend, or another woman she knows !! 😋😍💥 The Queen of Wands is the most attractive of all 4 Queens in the Tarot deck! 😛💝 The Suit of Wands is the element of Fire, so the Queen of Wands has a lot of energy. She us warm, loving, sexy, and she wants to help. The Queen of Wands has a lighter complection with Auburn hair and light eyes.
9. ENVIRONMENT: Love. 😘😎💋💓💝
10. OUTCOME: Endings.
Watch my Youtube Video about Client Celtic Cross
Please Contact Me if You want a Tarot Reading = D
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