Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Actual Client: Heather and David (December 15, 2019)

Spread about your Relationship with David.

When a client wants to get into more questions, I do a Why Spread.     This is a 4 card Spread that tells more into the Situation.     Here is my Love Spread on your Relationship with David.

1.          PEOPLE:     Emperor.    This is pretty straightforward.   This is David.

2.       DETAILS:   King of Wands.     This could be another man you know, or it could be you.

3.       FEELINGS:    5 of Cups.    This is sadness and disappointment.

4.        OUTCOME:    5 of Wands.    This is kind of a bad card.     This is not a terrible card , but it’s a little bad because it means you have 17 going on at once!  =   (     I think you and David have way too much going on inn your careers to be in a relationship.

Please Call Me if you want a Tarot Love Reading.

Watch my Youtube Video about Heather and David.

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Actual Client: Heather's Celtic Cross ( December 15, 2019 )

When a client asks for a reading, I always start off with a Celtic Cross.      I did a 10 Card Tarot Spread called the Celtic Cross to see what will happen to you in 2020.

1.       PRESENT:    10 of Swords.      You experienced a devastating loss in 2019    =  (

2.       PRESENT:    7 of Swords.      Is someone you know not being honest?   =  (

3.       PAST:   3 of Wands.  In the last 3 months you have been more active.

4.       FUTURE:    Knight of Wands.   I see a young man coming along in your future.   Do you have a son or a younger brother?    This is a court card that represents an actual man.

5.       Environment:    LOVE

6.       Court Card:    King of Coins.    This is a court card that represents an actual person.  This could be your boss.    It could be your dad, or it could be your boyfriend.

7.       PROBLEMS:    4 of Cups.    Does someone have a drinking problem?   =   (

8.       Thoughts:   2 of Coins.    You are making choices about money.  

9.       Environment:     5 of Coins.      Are you having financial issues?

        10.    OUTCOME:    Temptation.      Again with the drugs and alcohol.

Please Contact me if you want a Tarot reading = D

Watch My Youtube Video about the Celtic Cross for Heather = D

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Actual Client: Heather's Birth Chart (December 2019 )


Sun in Gemini.      You really want to express yourself.    You like to get information, and then you like to tell your friends and family!!!!    =  D   You are easygoing, and you just go with the flow for whatever the other person likes to do.     You can easily  change into any situation, and that blesses you with a lot of friends and family.      You are funny, and you tell jokes!  =D  You like to talk, and you get bored if you are not interested.     You are good at making friends, and    heather you fit the mood of the people who are around you.    You like to make friends with people from all different backgrounds!!    =   D

Sun in the 8th House.      No matter what subject you are spending your time on, you want to go deeper into it.    You want to try more things, and what you want is crazy and intense. 

Moon in Libra.     You want to be married.   If you don’t have a man, you feel like you Heather are only living half your life!!!!!   =    (    Were you married young?  

Moon in the 11th House.    Your feelings and your self confidence are mostly  about your friends and what you do with your friends.   This is a  great placement of the Moon in the natal birth chart for making friends.    Most of your friends are women.    

Mercury in Taurus.    You love the good life, you like men,  music , and art.   You make your choices with what will help and common sense.     You like material items and money, and this is a great placement for career.    At work, you are a strong boss.    You  are patient, and you take time with an employee to make sure the job is done right.     You are  nice  to people,  and you know how to teach people without making them feel dumb or being in a hurry.     You would never  make another person feel insecure on purpose.   You will bend over  backwards not to get into an argument, and you want peace and love no matter whom you talk to!   =D 

Mercury in the 7th House.     You see other people’s point of view.    You have to talk to your man when you are in a relationship.    When you talk  you like to be with one other person, because your ideas don’t stop when you talk with one person.    You are perfect with keeping your relationship fun with new ideas, dates, and interesting conversation!!!!    =  D 

Venus in Taurus.    You are solid and comfortable.   You don’t like fast- paced too wild when you are in a relationship.    You are comfortable and loyal.     You don’t like when a guy just shoves the relationship along.    You need a lot of time.    Men  need to be patient with you.   You like scents, sounds, and anything you can touch!   =  D  You are patient when you are in a relationship. 

Venus in the Seventh House.      You don’t like to think about being alone.      The most important thing to you is getting along with people, so you always like the guy to be the one to be Dominant in charge of a relationship.     This is a perfect placement, because Venus is the planet of Love and the the 7th House is the House of Marriage!    =   D

Mars in Aquarius.     You like to surprise people!  = D    Mars represents career, shows what your sex drive is like, and it  shows what you are mad about!!!!   =  (

Mars in the Third House.    You know a lot about a lot of different things, and you like to tell your friends and family.     You are direct and clear when you communicate.    You will argue your opinions, religion, family , and the way you were raised.     

Jupiter in Sagittarius.     Good things are attracted to you!  = D   Jupiter is the Happy planet showing  what you like, and Sagittarius is the fun Fire sign!!   =   D

Jupiter in the 1st House.     You are funny, nice, and helpful.   You start a new project with a positive attitude and you know you can do it.    You believe in positive thinking.  

Saturn in Taurus.    Taurus is the Earth Element Goat.     Taurus is one of my personal favorites, and most of my planets are in Taurus.    Saturn is the bad planet!!!   =   (     Saturn tells of fears, limits, problems.

Uranus in Libra.     You are good at art, music, and writing.    It’s almost like you have a Psychic sense Heather like I do.    You have an interesting imagination, and a lot of people are attracted to your personality.    For career you  would make a perfect artist, musician, writer, lawyer, scientist, or anything where you can argue.   

Uranus in the 11th House.    Your friends and groups are interesting.   This is the best placement for Uranus in the natal 11th House!   =  D 

Neptune in Sagittarius.     You can reach the after life, and you are psychic.    You want to do things that involve all 5 senses and your spirit.     You understand life on a deeper level.    You are fun, you like ideas, and you like sports!!   =   D   You like travel, religion,  debates, ideas, and spending  time with your friends and family.   

Neptune in the 1st House.     You like art.    You are sweet, loving, and dreamy.    Neptune is the Happy planet of what we like!!!!   =     D

Pluto in Virgo.      Pluto is the Wild planet and shows whats most important.    Virgo is the Earth Element that does everything perfect.    This is pretty shrew to have your Pluto in Virgo.  

Pluto in the 11th House.     Your social life has changed.     Usually when you make friends with someone, it has a wild beginning.     Loyalty is the most important thing to you , even if it’s someone you don’t know very well.  

Please Contact me for a Birth Chart = D

Watch my Youtube Video about Heather's birth chart.

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Actual Client: Will She have a Baby in 2020? (December 15, 2019 )

This weekend my Client asked for a reading.     After I did the Celtic Cross, she had some more questions for me to do with my Tarot spread.  One of the questions was if she will have a baby in 2020.   She got pregnant around Thanksgiving 2019.   She has had a  few miscarriages.   She wanted me to  tell her if the pregnancy will carry through.

1.  SITUATION:    4 of Coins.     This is something she thinks about most of the time!    🐣🍦🍨

2.  DETAILS:   Moon.    This is kind of a bad card.    This means she's confused.

3. PEOPLE:   Empress.     This is one of the best cards!!    🍓🐣🐬   This represents an actual woman.    The Empress is Major Arcana, so it's one of the most powerful cards.   This represents a young attractive woman.    The Empress represents a pregnant wife, so this is interesting that this cards to coming up  n my pregnant client.    

4.  OUTCOME:   Judgement.     I'm   not sure how to interpret this spread.    If I had to choose, I would think my client will have a miscarriage.       The Moon represents confusion, and I am not seeing any cards that are happy about a baby.  

Please Call Me if you Want a Tarot Reading = D

Watch my Youtube Video to see if my Client will have a Baby.

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Actual Client: Career (December 15, 2019 )

This weekend, a client asked me for a birth chart and then she had me answer some more questions with Tarot readings.      After I started off with the Celtic Cross, she asked me if I see  in 2020 any changes in work.    I did a Why Spread about  her career.

1.  SITUATION.    Page of Wands.   This is one of the best cards.    Pages are always good because it means someone had some good words for us.     Earlier in 2019, someone at  my Client's workplace came to her with a new opportunity.

2.   DETAILS:   Ace of Wands.    This is one of the best cards.   Aces are always amazing, because they mean a new blessing!!     😍     Earlier in 2019, someone at my client's workplace came to her with a new opportunity.  

3.   DETAILS:   Hanged Man.     I'm not sure exactly what this means.   This means that  what my client was waiting on 2019, it will be there in 2020.    If you are asking Yes or No , the  Hanged Man means yes but you will have to wait!   🐇🐞

4.   OUTCOME:   King of Coins.   This is one of the best cards.    This is a court card that represents an actual man.   Obviously this is a good card to have at work.    This represents a man my client in working with.

Watch my Youtube Video about my Client's Career = D

Please Call me if you want a Tarot reading about your Career = D

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Actual Client : Celtic Cross (December 15 , 2019 )

A client called this weekend.      She asked  for a birth chart, and she asked me to answer some questions with the Tarot reading.       When I do a reading for a client, I start with a Celtic Cross before I answer any  questions.

1.    PRESENT:   Ace of Coins.      This is one of the best cards.     Aces are always amazing, because they mean a new blessing!!!   😍   This means a new blessing with Money like a  new job etc.

2.    PRESENT:    3 of Swords.    This is one of the worst cards!  😓  This means most likely she is being cheated on!  😠   The reading started out well with the Ace as far as career, but in her personal life things need improvement.    

3.  PAST:   Page of Cups.   Pages are always  good.     They mean someone had some happy new to share .     Someone asked her out on a date, etc!!!!      😍🐌🍭🍨

4.    FUTURE:    9   of Coins.    This is stable to pull a money card.     This means that 2020 will be solid and my client will have an amazing career.

5.    ENVIRONMENT:    Knight of Cups.    This is an actual court card that represents an actual person.    It could be her son, a younger brother , etc.

6.  ENVIRONMENT:     2 of Cups.      Love.      😍💋💝

7. THOUGHTS:   2 of Wands.    My client is thinking about her choices.

8.   PEOPLE:  Queen of Wands.     This is one of the best cards.    This is a court card to represent an actual woman!  😝    This could be my client, or it could be her sister, mom, friend, or  another woman she knows  !!   😋😍💥  The Queen of Wands is the most attractive of all 4 Queens in the Tarot deck!    😛💝     The Suit of Wands is the element of Fire, so the Queen of Wands has a lot of energy.    She us warm, loving,   sexy, and she wants to help.    The Queen of Wands has a lighter complection with Auburn hair and light eyes.    

9.   ENVIRONMENT:     Love.    😘😎💋💓💝

10.   OUTCOME:    Endings.    

Watch my Youtube Video about Client Celtic Cross

Please Contact Me if You want a Tarot Reading = D

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Actual Client: Javier Transit Chart ( December 15, 2019 )

Sun  will be in your 8th House.       There will be big changes this summer.      You are going to take a look at every area in your life.     If something is not working for you Javier, Summer of 2020 is time to get rid of the bad things.  When you think about your life this includes everyone you know, ways YOU could improve, and money.      You might be thinking about what you are afraid of and anything that is ruining your life.      You will figure out Blocks within your mind saying you can’t do something, and you will figure out how to get rid of them.     

Moon will be in your 4th House.       The Moon is about feelings.      The 4th House is about the actual house you  live in!!   =   D     This summer is a  great time to focus on the Home!!   =  D

Mercury will be in your 7th House.     The Summer of 2020 is a loving time to talk about your feelings with your wife!!   =   D   Summer of 2020 is also a good time to get along with other people who work with you at your career.       Mercury is the planet of talking and ideas.    The 7th House  in your natal Birth chart is the House of Marriage and Love!    =    D

Venus in the 9th House.     You will take a vacation in Summer 2020.    Venus is   the cutie planet that’s all about love.      The 9th House is about high education like going to college past  high school, religion, and going on vacation.     This sounds fun Javier!!!!!!   =   D

Mars in the 6th House.    You will have a lot of energy at work!   =D I’m blown away by the amount of work you do!  = D      You might start your own business!!! =  D     Watch out for accidents, fever, and too much stress.     What are you eating?      Try to eat healthy!!! =  D

Jupiter in the 6th House.      You will have new opportunities at work, you might find a new job, or your working environment will get better.   Summer 2020 Javier,   You will get new opportunities with people you work with.   If you  owe money, pay it off.    You will enjoy your career, and it will be easy to pay attention to details.     You will be healthy with exercise and healthy food.     Summer 2020 Javier you might also buy a new pet!!!!   =D

Saturn in the 6th House.     Get rid of bad health habits, and get new healthy habits like working   out at the gym for an hour every day.  Get rid of Stress, and this will make you more organized. 

Neptune in the 8th House.     Neptune is the Happy Planet, and the 8th House is about your sex life and shows how you will die.     You want a mental connection with your wife.   

Pluto in the 6th House.    Summer  2020 Javier, be careful that you don’t give way too much of yourself that you are burnt out.   Get a Therapist.  Still to that daily routine, and make sure you are getting at least  an hour of exercise per day.     Eat healthy.    

Monday, December 9, 2019

Actual Client: Birth Chart ( Made December 8, 2019 )

Sun in Libra.    Libra is an Air sign.       Libra Symbol is Scales, and you are ruled by  Venus the Goddess of love.      You love to talk .     You like being around people, and you love to make friends with  people from all different backgrounds!  =D

Sun in the ninth House.    I think what’s most important deep within you is that you need to understand the world around you!!  =D     You look ahead, and  to some  other people they think  that you seem nervous.   You are proud of what you know and your moral values.   You are open minded, you like to go on an adventure, and you are curious.    You see the best  in people and  in life.

Moon in Sagittarius.        Sagittarius is one of the most fun signs, and it’s made of fire so it has a lot of energy.          The most important thing is to have fun, and you  are one of the best signs because you always have a positive attitude.    

Moon in the Eleventh House.     You    have your feelings met   by love from a big group of friends and family.    You turn to your friends and family to support you, and of course you are there when your friends and family need help .  You have a lot of  dreams for the future, and most of them are perfect like living in paradise .   You change your    goals a lot depending on your moods, and sometimes its hard setting a goal 100%    that you won’t change.      You are happiest when you are part of groups, clubs, organizations, community , and friends.  When someone is your friend, to you they are a part of your family.      You also feel like family with a close group of people that have the same values, like let’s say you go to church.  You need people outside of your family to be friends with.

Mercury in Scorpio.   You  are fearless when you get into things, and no matter what subject you are interested in you want to get to the core.       The worst thing is you can’t stand when someone else is being fake.        One of the most important things  in life to you is that you want to give other people advice and help.   

Mercury in the Tenth House.     You are good with  talking    to other people,   and you use this in your career.    You are usually the boss, and when you are not the boss you are good at talking to  the boss in your career!!    =  D   Usually you are working more than one job,   and usually you do not work at one job for very long.  You are good at bringing happiness to your conversation and your career, and you always need more energy!!!!! =D

Venus in Virgo.    You are not really into flirting.    You want to be committed and to work on your marriage.   Let your husband   know how much you love him, and in 2020    he will want to talk about his life.     You show your husband you love him by doing things for him, getting into the details, and  spending time with him.     When you do services for friends and family, that feels the love deep in your heart!  =D      You are careful how you spend money, and you buy things that you need instead of let’s say spending $10,000   on clothes.       

Venus in the Eighth House.     Your husband thinks you’re beautiful.     You love him because hes smart and  he’s always by your side!   =D      You   always do what you say, you like to crack  jokes every day., and you are romantic!!!    =  D    The two things you don’t like are    foul language and seeing people not make enough money.      You biggest goal that you work toward every day is to have a lot of money and to succeed.       You like to buy the best, and when you go to the mall it’s like you go all out on a  shopping spree.     You are attractive in your  marriage!!!  =D   You are romantic, and one of your favorite things is when your husband buys you flowers.   Usually you will start a business with your husband, and you guys will get money you  really need.       You  have honest friends    and you are interested in God, Tarot cards, after life etc.     For love, you like deep love   in marriage and you are not interested in having casual sex .   Sometimes it’s hard for you to control your feelings.       You are very loyal, and you give to friends and family.   

Mars in Libra.    You think before you act.      You want to live in peace, and you want to balance everything.       You are good at knowing when there will be problems   or drama  well ahead of time before it happens.      You are great at working with other people, and you know how to get through your problems.     

Mars in the Ninth House.      This is one of the best placements.   You  like to travel, you have been to a good college, and you were living in one city but now you are living in a different city that you think is better   to live!  =D          When you were in your twenties, you spent most of your energy at that time towards college.        You are interested in sports, military, and religion.   For career you would be an amazing personal trainer, writer, machines, or martial arts.   One of your favorite subjects is religion , so you spend most of your day in different readings and writing!! =D 

Jupiter in Capricorn.     This is great placement for career.    Knowing your Jupiter sign will tell you how to bring luck.     You always have more goals.  

Jupiter in the 12th House.      You  things will go well even if you are in the middle of a bad situation!!!!!!!=(   You are religious, and you want to help people who need it.  You need time to think , pray and meditate.   You feel like you have an angel.      You want to sacrifice and give up for what friends and family need.   You have understanding, wisdom, and love!   =)  For career you like to work in prisons, jails, or places like that .      You have a spiritual goal  that is one of the most important things to you  in life.   Religious    material   to read,     personal development, and using art will help you use your powerful imagination.  

Saturn in Gemini.      When you  talk you are fair, smart, and nice.         Saturn is the bad planet, and you are  interesting. 

Saturn in the Sixth House.    You work hard to make a living.      You have a good sense of responsibility!!!!= D   You work overtime.   You have a lot of sense of responsibility  in your career, and you take it seriously that you need to help other people.    You worry too much about what kind of food you eat , and you are obsessed with food  for friends and family.

Uranus in Libra.     You are good at art, music, and books.    You are interested in God Tarot astrology afterlife spirits etc.     For career you would be an amazing artist, musician, writer, lawyer, scientist, or any career where you can argue.   

Uranus in the Ninth House.     You like to travel, meet new people, read, and anything where you can grow your mind.      Anything that needs   smart thinking is a chance for you to add your  unique and creative ways.     Your natural instincts are against the limits of our world.   You are always looking for ways to push past the limits that people say we need.    

Neptune in Sagittarius.     You have good common sense, and you are psychic.    You like travel, religion, politics, ideas, and spending time with family and friends!   =  D  You like aliens   or any other weirdo conspiracy theories.  

Neptune in the Eleventh House.      Your friends are artistic, loving, and weird.  You need to put up limits so other people do not use you!!   =   (


Pluto in Libra.      Pluto is the planet about what we are passionate about.     Libra are the Scales that want balance.     In this sign, you are a warrior about what you want!!   =)

Pluto in the ninth House.     You are very into your opinions and beliefs.   For career  you would make an amazing teacher, speaker,  or pastor.   You  don’t share your ideas with people you don’t know, but  when you do tell your ideas you are creative!   =D      The interesting and important things that happened to you in life happened when you were traveling or with another culture.     

Actual Tarot Reading: Will they Rent out Their Other House?

This is an actual   Tarot reading this weekend   from a client of mine, and she has gotten services from me a few times.   Will she and her husband rent the   other house?

1.    SITUATION:     Strength.      This is one of the worst cards.     This card come up when you are going through a hard time.

2.    OUTCOME:     7 of Wands.     This  is one of the worst cards.     This card means arguing, and that is not good for renting the house .    Based on the bad cards, I do Not think they will be able to rent out their other house.  

Please Contact me if you want a tarot Reading.

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Will my Client have to pay her Parking Ticket? = (

This is an actual Tarot  reading I did  this weekend for a    regular client, and she has gotten services from me a few times!  😍   I wanted to share with you the results to the reading.   In my opinion I feel she WILL have to pay her parking  ticket!!!!   😘😢😒

1.    SITUATION.    Page of Swords.     This is a card you pull when someone says you are NOT supposed to be doing something!   😠     To me this would mean her parking ticket.

2.    OUTCOME.    5 of Swords.    This is the card of guilt or someone doing something they should NOT be doing.       That would mean a parking ticket.     Based on the reading, I think she will  have to pay her parking ticket!!!!   🙀     I don't like all the Swords!      😡

Please Contact Me if you Want a Tarot reading. 

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Monday, December 2, 2019

Look more into Her Affair.

I did a   4 Card Why spread     Tarot reading  this weekend.     She and her husband have been married    for a few years.    While he was in Iraq for a year, she had an affair.    In my last post, I did a Why Spread about her marriage! =)     Now I will do a Second Why Spread, and I want to go into more of the relationship between her and the man she cheated with.      I will give my interpretation and explain the meaning of each position.        I’m so sorry she had an affair.     It must be tough especially when he is out fighting and serving our country.     

1.        SITUATION:    5 of Swords.   One of the  worst cards.      This usually represents a person with a drug or an alcohol problem.    Or in their situation this is pretty straightforward simply having an affair!    Or  it could be BOTH, having an affair with a man who drinks.

2.          DETAILS:    4 of Swords.    This means being alone.      Sometimes if you have too much going on it’s good to be alone!  =D   In cheating this is not a good card.

3.        DETAILS:    DEVIL.    This is the Worst Card in the Deck.     This is basically a repeat again of the 5 of Swords.     This represents someone with a drug or an alcohol problem!!   =(

4.         OUTCOME:     HERMIT.     The Hermit represents being alone.   If you have too many things going on, sometimes it might be good to be alone!      This is not a good card if you are asking about a marriage, especially about an affair!!    =(

She had an affair I did a Tarot Reading on her Marriage.

I wanted to give a reading about a love triangle I did a reading for this weekend.   She and her husband have been married for a few years.     While he was in Iraq for a year, she had an affair.  I will give you a look more into their marriage!!! =  (     I am going to  do a  4 Card Why Spread .  I will explain the meaning of each card and the meaning of each position!!!  = D

1.          SITUATION:     King of Wands.    Her husband has a lot of fire and energy, he’s happy, cute, full of energy, and he loves to go on vacation!!!    =D

2.          DETAILS:    Page of Cups.   Cups are good to see in a marriage reading.   Pages are always someone telling you something happy!!!! =   D     This means that He, She (or either)   asked the other asked one to fall deeper in love with the marriage!!   =   D

3.          DETAILS:    Three of Cups.    This is good that there are more cups.     This is happiness and fun, and she and her husband are close to their families!!   =   D

 OUTCOME:    Hierophant.      This is the marriage card.      This is her husband.   This is an accurate card to come 

What Kind of Relationship do I See with Susan's New Boyfriend?

This weekend, Susan told me about her new boyfriend .     I did a 4 Card Why Spread.    I will interprent each Tarot card and explain the meaning of each position!   =D

1.          SITUATION:    6 of Cups.    Cups are about feelings, so this is good to have a cups card when you are asking about a relationship.    Did Susan know this man from before ?   =D

2.         DETAILS:    High Priestess.   This could represent Susan.     The high Priestess means inner wisdom in the relationship!   =)

3.         DETAILS:    FOOL.    This is the man Susan is dating !  =D     The Fool is fun, full of energy, and a happy man who likes to go on  vacation!!   =     D

4.       OUTCOME:   Ace of Swords.     Aces are always good.    This means there was an agreement, and this means there is good communication.

Actual CLIENT: Celtic Cross for Jessica . December 1, 2019.

Hello Jessica!!!!       I got your message off  Ebay this weekend, and you wanted me to give you a  Celtic Cross  !!!!    I did a Celtic Cross, and now I will give an interpretation of the Reading and explain to you what each card means in each position! 

1.        PRESENT:   Queen of Wands.      This could be YOU.     Is there a woman your age that you are close to ?     This woman is  the most attractive in the Tarot.     She has auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful smiile.    She is attractive, FUN, happy and always loves to help.

2.       PRESENT:    Ace of Cups.     Are you in a new relationship?    =  D

3.       PAST:     Two of Wands.     In the recent past, you made some choices

4.       FUTURE:    Ten of Coins.     This is one of the best Tarot Cards.   No matter if we are talking about Career or Love, things are AMAZING and they couldn’t get any better!  = D

5.       ENVIRONMENT:    8 of Wands.    This is the element of Fire, and you are very happy with your life no matter which situation you are asking about.     If you  are in a new relationships, the is A LOT of sexual chemistry and the relationship is HOT!!!   =    D

6.       ENVIRONMENT:    Page of Coins.      This is one of the best cards.      It’s always good to get money cards.     Do you have a new job?   = D

7.       PEOPLE:    Queen of Cups.     Do you have kids?       Or are you close to your mom?  This is one of the Nicest Tarot cards!  =D    She’s emotional, loving, in touch with her feelings, and she always puts other people ahead of herself!   =D

8.       SITUATION:    Ending.      You ended it with someone you were close to !  =(

9.       SITUATION:      Strength.    This is one of the worst Tarot cards.     No matter what subject you are asking about , you had bad people around you.

OUTCOME:    4 of Wands.    Wands are the Element of Fire.       This is a happy, loving energy and a great time in your life!!  =   D      You love your living  situation.

Please Contact Me if you want a Tarot reading.

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