Saturday, June 29, 2019

How I Felt about Religion through my life.πŸŒ­πŸ”πŸŒŸ⭐

When I was growing up, I went to church twice a week through high school.   I stopped going to church my last year of high school, because I was in school full time and I also worked.

A few months after I got out of high school, my Aunt tried to push her religious views .

I stopped going to church, and I didn't care about religion.    When I was in college, I got a Tarot reading and I was shocked how accurate it was.   Since then I have been learning Spiritual gifts.

I have a religious Aunt who tries to push her views.    Here are some of the things she has said:

  • When I was  in tenth grade, I went over to my grandma's house for lunch.   I wore a low cut pink blouse. My Aunt came over there while I was eating lunch and she said ,"Where's the other half of it?"

  • My Aunt said that it's evil when the husband stays home and takes care of the kids while the wife is at work.     She said "That's not the way God intended it.". She said women are supposed to be mom, and that the men should be making money.

  • When I was in college, my boyfriend made a sexy comment on my Myspace profile.    My Aunt flipped out.πŸ”πŸŒ­πŸ–πŸŽπŸ¦’πŸŒ­πŸ”

  • My Aunt says that if a guy asks you to marry him, he just wants to get in your pants.

  • My Aunt is against birth control.     She explained, "When you have sex you're gonna have a baby."

I have a very strict Christian family who is against this.    When my uncle found out that I read Tarot cards, he would not let me come over to the house for 6 months.       He also sent me text messages telling me that I am headed to hell. He would also send Bible verses, and he would send text messages says that Tarot is evil and I am in a cult.

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