Sunday, March 29, 2020

Client Birth chart for a Pieces. Happy birthday. 😋👄💖💋

It was interesting talking to you by Etsy Last night.       Your birthday was almost a month ago, so I will get this to you as a late birthday present.     The Sun is your overall Personality like if someone asked you your birthday. You are a Pisces.    They are one of my favorite zodiac sign. You are the last of the Zodiac signs, so you are always putting the needs of other people ahead of what you want.        You are a Water sign and your sign is represented by the Fish, so you are the most Emotional of the Signs! 😋😮😟👩‍👦👄💖💋🐕🐶🐥🐾

Moon in LEO.     When you are around friends and family you know, you like to be the center of attention.      You like everyone to focus on you when you are at home, and when you are with family and friends.      You like to entertain people, and one of the best things about your personality is that you like to tell jokes.     With the Moon in Leo, this is the creative position of your feelings. You love to make new things, and you love to entertain your family and friends.    You want to be fair with other people, and you don't want to treat some people better than other people.You need a lot of love and happiness to do well.🐃🦛🐥🐾
Moon in the Fourth House.    You move all the time.       You also change things around a lot around your house.Moving All the time is fun, because it makes Life interesting.😋😮🦄🐩

Mercury in the Tenth House.     You are good with language, and you use this is in your career.   You seem like a Boss. You are good at talking to, and you are good at working through problems with people who are above you at work.🦍🦄🐥🐾    Sometimes you work two jobs . You change careers a lot . You love a career where you can work and get a hotel in different cities. You need to change all the time your environment and activities to stay interested and to bring challenges.     You are amazing at bringing energy to conversations and with your career. You need conversation to keep interested. 🐁🐖🐥🐾🐸🦜😋😮

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