Monday, December 2, 2019

Actual CLIENT: Celtic Cross for Jessica . December 1, 2019.

Hello Jessica!!!!       I got your message off  Ebay this weekend, and you wanted me to give you a  Celtic Cross  !!!!    I did a Celtic Cross, and now I will give an interpretation of the Reading and explain to you what each card means in each position! 

1.        PRESENT:   Queen of Wands.      This could be YOU.     Is there a woman your age that you are close to ?     This woman is  the most attractive in the Tarot.     She has auburn hair, hazel eyes, and a beautiful smiile.    She is attractive, FUN, happy and always loves to help.

2.       PRESENT:    Ace of Cups.     Are you in a new relationship?    =  D

3.       PAST:     Two of Wands.     In the recent past, you made some choices

4.       FUTURE:    Ten of Coins.     This is one of the best Tarot Cards.   No matter if we are talking about Career or Love, things are AMAZING and they couldn’t get any better!  = D

5.       ENVIRONMENT:    8 of Wands.    This is the element of Fire, and you are very happy with your life no matter which situation you are asking about.     If you  are in a new relationships, the is A LOT of sexual chemistry and the relationship is HOT!!!   =    D

6.       ENVIRONMENT:    Page of Coins.      This is one of the best cards.      It’s always good to get money cards.     Do you have a new job?   = D

7.       PEOPLE:    Queen of Cups.     Do you have kids?       Or are you close to your mom?  This is one of the Nicest Tarot cards!  =D    She’s emotional, loving, in touch with her feelings, and she always puts other people ahead of herself!   =D

8.       SITUATION:    Ending.      You ended it with someone you were close to !  =(

9.       SITUATION:      Strength.    This is one of the worst Tarot cards.     No matter what subject you are asking about , you had bad people around you.

OUTCOME:    4 of Wands.    Wands are the Element of Fire.       This is a happy, loving energy and a great time in your life!!  =   D      You love your living  situation.

Please Contact Me if you want a Tarot reading.

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